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Spectrum Sports in Orlando was kind enough to take interest in the progress of Goop in March of 2023. Talented reporter Luke Hetrick spent a day at the Winter Garden Farmer's Market with the Big Red Goop Tent and followed up with a visit to Pat's house. The result was this fine feature in which Luke took special care to recognize Goop's inventor, Betty Clarke. Thank you, Luke!

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The Orlando Business Journal was first to mention the Goop Dog in central Florida media, long before it was ever available for sale. What a thrill it was to have the late Bob Mervine write about it in OBJ’s “To Die For” column in 2004. Doesn’t the title tell you all you need to know?! Bob did beg me for the recipe, and I’m happy to know that my refusal to share didn’t affect his review. By the way, his printed guess of the recipe contents wasn’t even close!


Orlando friend and brilliant restauranteur Corey Balzer, who in the early 2000’s opened a chain of terrific pizza joints called American Pie, was kind enough to add the Goop Dog to his menu in October of 2006. He took a leap of faith in selling Goop, and I was thankful that he believed enough in the sandwich and its unique flavor to take it out for a spin. So many central Floridians were introduced to the Goop Dog because of Corey, and I’ll be eternally grateful to him for that!

The wonderful Heather McPherson, who to this day is huge part of the fabric of the central Florida food scene, wrote this story that appeared in the Orlando Sentinel on October 4th of 2006, the first day that American Pie sold Goop Dogs. On the day she visited to conduct  interviews for the article, she brought legendary Sentinel photographer Red Huber, who shot the photos for the piece. Heather referred to Goop Dogs as “peppy pups.” We hope you think the same!

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Not too long after Goop Dogs

began selling at local farmer's markets, "the 32789" online news magazine visited the Big Red Goop tent in Winter Park. Many thanks to those fine folks for their kind words about Goop!

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Mike Bianchi is the longtime, highly-respected sports columnist with the Orlando Sentinel who was intrigued enough about Goop Dogs to not only want to try them, but write about them, too. His taste test resulted in this positive review, and maybe a commentary on his wedding night!

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In advance of National Comfort Food day in 2022, Amy Drew Thompson, who writes all things food for the Orlando Sentinel, featured Goop Dogs in her column along with a handful of terrific, established restaurants in central Florida. We were proud and humbled that she selected us to feature as the Goop Dog brand continues to grow. Thank you, Amy!

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Celebrating National Sandwich Month in August of 2023, the Orlando Sentinel's Amy Drew Thompson wrote a column highlighting the popular Sloppy Joe sandwich and gave Goop Dogs a shout-out, fully aware that Goop is like a Sloppy Joe only in appearance. We so-appreciated the blurb and benefitted in the form of many new customers, curious to find out what this Goop Dog sensation was all about!

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